
Laughing Allegra: The Inspiring Story of a Mother's Struggle and Triumph Raising a Daughter with Learning Disabilities - By: Anne Ford

On Their Own, Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child With Learning Disabilities and ADHD - By Anne Ford

Living Well on the Spectrum - By: Valerie L. Gaus

Sensory Integration Disorder / Sensory Processing:
Growing an In-Sync Child - Carol Kranowitz & Joye Newman
Sensational Kids: Hope and help for Children with Sensory Processing - Lucy Jane Miller
Raising a Sensory Smart Child - The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Integration Issues - Lindsey Biel & Nancy Peske
The Out-of-Sync Child - Carol Kranowitz
The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun - Carol Kranowitz

Government Sites

Parent Training Centers
  • Every state in the USA has at least one Parent Training Center.  Parent Centers offer support to individuals and parents of special needs children.  (Some portions of the sites will also be beneifical to parents outside of the USA.)  The sites can assist you with IEP questions, parent training, community resources, state laws and regulations etc.  Use this link to find your state's parent center.

Social Stories and Picture Cards
  • Our children benefit from having a routine and knowing what to expect in new situations.  Picture que cards and routine charts allow our children to know what is coming next in their day.  These tools also help in every day tasks such as getting ready for school or for a bedtime routine.  The following site is a great resource for picture cards. to this post for a more detailed explanation.