Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Transition Periods of Life

Each stage life brings new challenges and learning opportunities. While each stage of life has its joys and celebrations, there are also hurdles and situations that require finesse. Two of those stages are the maturation process for teens and young adults, and transitions to adult services and lifestyles.

Sometimes, we are not sure how to go about discussing these areas with our children who have special needs. However, it is crucial that we do cover these topics with our children. They need the information for their benefit as well as their safety. The following materials may help you in your discussions and teaching moments with your child.

The following link takes you to a training page for the PACER Center. The Pacer Center partners with each State's Parent Center to provide information and training. Because of the work I do with the Utah Parent Center, I've known about these training classes which are offered to parents and teachers. You may want to contact your state's Parent Center to find out if similar training is being offered in your area.

Use these training materials either as a supplement to the class or if you are unable to attend a training session. The Pacer Center has loaded the documents on their website. In the future, if this link is disabled, the information can also be found through the Pacer Center and their Fast Training Index.

The following are webinar introductions to the trainings:
Maturation Transition: http://www.fastfamilysupport.org/Webinar/video.asp?vf=Adulthood
Adult Transition: http://www.fastfamilysupport.org/Webinar/video.asp?vf=FirstJob

Power point presentation slides and training materials can be found for the following material in addition to many other topics. http://www.fastfamilysupport.org/fasttraining/index.asp

Information can be found in Spanish or English.
Topics include:
* Getting and keeping a first job
* Building a Resume
* Maturation - What every parent needs to know
* Tools parents can use - A Handbook for Parents of Disabled Teenagers
* Social Concentric Circle
* Adolescence Time Line for Girls
* Adolescence Time Line for Boys

Pacer Center:

The mission of PACER Center (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights) is to expand opportunities and enhance the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families, based on the concept of parents helping parents.

Founded in 1977, PACER Center was created by parents of children and youth with disabilities to help other parents and families facing similar challenges. Today, PACER Center expands opportunities and enhances the quality of life of children and young adults with disabilities and their families. PACER is staffed primarily by parents of children with disabilities and works in coalition with 18 disability organizations.

Pacer Training Information:

If you have additional information that is beneficial in talking about these areas with children who have disabilities, please leave a comment.

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